Tuesday, March 19, 2013

GIMP: Chapter 4

Kelsey Taylor
Student Number:


GIMP: Chapter 4: Drawing

PART 1: READ Chapter 4 through page 139  in the GIMP book, then:

  1. Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
  2. Change the color of the answer to BLUE.
  3. Copy this information and paste in a new post in your DIGITAL GRAPHICS blog.


1.     In the NEW IMAGE dialog box, how can you begin with a TRANSPARENT image rather than an image filled with the background color? The background can be made transparent by going to advanced and pick the drop down menu by “fill with” and click transparency.
2.     What is the COMMENT box in the NEW IMAGE dialog box for? Can be used for name and copyright information,  also be used for more information about the picture
3.     When you draw new objects in GIMP, why is it advisable to create them on a new layer? Makes it easier to make more changes to the picture after the fact.
4.     Briefly describe these properties found in the NEW LAYER box:
·       Layer Name: To determine what the layer is
·       Width and Height: They let you customize the dimension of the image
·       Layer  Fill Type: Lets you customize the background of a specific layer
5.     Briefly describe the purpose of the following drawing tool options:
·       Mode- offers the same list of modes as the layers dialog
·       Opacity- makes the tool’s line more transparent it’s a percentage from 0 to 100
·       Scale- lets you make the brush bigger or smaller- very useful!
·       Fade out- makes the line fade out after a specified distance even if you keep dragging
·       Jitter- adds some randomness to the line. Sometimes that can make a drawing look more natural
·       Incremental- only makes a difference e if Opacity is less than 100% using a tool with no spacing, or drawing on top of the previous line, will make the line darker without incremental mode, the line won’t get darker.
·       Use color from gradient- instead of the current foreground color. It even works with color brushes like the Vine brush.
6.     What is a graphics tablet and what is used for? Can tablets be used with GIMP? They are things that can be used with GIMP such as a mouse, a tablet, or a pad.
Drawing Tools:  Briefly describe what each of these drawing tools is used for:
1.     Pencil- lets you draw sharp edged lines
2.     Brush- can make many different brush styles
3.     Airbrush- uses a large, hard- edged brush and a slanted calligraphic brush
4.     Ink Pen- shows how changing pressure can vary the line thickness
5.     Eraser- erases what it is on top of or in the current layer if he layer doesn’t support transparency. If it doesn’t then it paints the current background color over it.
6.     Rectangle Select- draws a rectangle
7.     Lasso- free range select tool
8.     Bucket Fill- has lots of options with opacity and mode shared with line drawing tools
9.     Blend- another way to fill areas


Be sure to save these images in your GIMP folder before inserting them in this document.
1.  Scribbles:
1.     Open GIMP.
2.     Create a new image: Width: 600   Height: 600
3.     Select the BRUSH TOOL from the Tool Box. Scribble all over on the art canvas with the paint brush. Try different brush settings and colors (click the color box at the bottom of the Tool Box). Now erase what you have drawn (don’t forget how to do this! You will often want to erase your entire art canvas):
·       Select ALL: CTRL A
·       Press the DELETE key
·       Deselect ALL: SHIFT-CTRL-A
4.     With a clean canvas, experiment with all the drawing tools listed in the textbook—changing colors and tool properties. Try out everything you can think of.
5.     Save the image as My Scribbles. The image should be a jpg saved in your GIMP folder.
6.     Insert the image here:
2. Your Name:
1.     Create a new image: Width: 700   Height: 300
2.     Draw a beautiful gradient on the background.
3.     Create a new layer: LAYERàNEW LAYER
4.     Select the BRUSH tool and choose a CALLIGRAPHIC brush (they are the slanted brushes on the top row; used for calligraphy writing).
5.     Write your first name as beautifully as you can (make sure your name fills the canvas). NOTE: If you do not like your work, you can delete the layer: LAYERàDELETE LAYER. This will not delete the gradient layer, just the layer with your name on it.
6.     Save the image as My Name. The image should be a jpg saved in your GIMP folder.
7.     Insert the image here:











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